الهجویری، ابوالحسن علی بن عثمان، کشف المحجوب، تصحیح: ژوکوفسکی، تهران، طهوری، دهم، ۱۳۸۷٫
الهمدانی الاسدآبادی، القاضی ابیالحسن عبدالجبار بن احمد، الإملاء، المغنی فی ابواب التوحید و العدل، تحقیق: محمود الخضری، محمود محمد قاسم، ابراهیم مدکور، طه حسین، القاهره، الدار المصریه التالیف و الترجمه، ۱۳۸۵ ق، ۱۹۶۵ م.
یوسفپور، محمدکاظم، نقد صوفی، تهران، روزنه، اول، ۱۳۸۰٫
The miracles of saints is an order that although in Gnosticism due to the value of knowledge for some times is not been finally but it seems that problem usually Gnosticism subject to the hardship must be heard from the outlet of Quran and custom language.
The miracles of saints has the similar meaning with the miracles of prophet and saint. The rank is higher than prophethood and anyone with this fine works although in many of books of Gnosticism. The chapter itself has appropriate but to this section of inquiry means base of Quran that was not yet given(done). The performer of miracles is Goodadiate man who has the knowledge of gurding in the second tour from the fourth tour is spiritual but not as self ruling and from itself that according to the commandment and power is blessed by God. Miracle of prophet is delivered and toghether with demand but the miracle is from the saints of God and is not requested. In summary Gnosticismes and philosophers and theologians of different islamic religions have admitted this commandment. Pedicels and stairs of scale arriving to this formative in the holly Quran karim. Submissiob means comprehensive and acquaintancy result of the slavery that to the part name from a knowledge of the book. All book knowledge and Gods names to that referred. This scale toward him gives nearness to God. Holly traveller to the position of formative authority and then religious. He is the presen trench conduit of God among creation and on that creation and He who is the authoritys possessor holder in this feature the powerful of doing unusual work. On that time that he will become vicegerent of God olmaight. The miracle is from the viewpoint of Quran. Perhaps this great book put into self many samples with different kinds but all of them are known by to Gods permission and doesn’t know unity of God and distance between creator and creature is in finte. In summary Quran gives remedy until others can also do what Christ was doing. Although there is not measure in anyplace of Quran never the miracle at recognition viewpoint. These and fine works between speech that all of its qustions were brought to revelations presence and its find answer in its limit found its answer is things that conversed this reaserch to the unique in this subject.
Keywords: miracle، authority، saint، Submissiob، part of knowledge of the book، knowledge all of the book، learning of the names، substitutionary، forms of unusual work.
Ministry of science and research
University of religion and Islamic sects Private
University of Islamic of thought
Final paper for the masters Program in Sufism and Islamic mysticism
The Quranic foundation´s of miracle of the saint´s
Supervising professor:
Doctor qasem javadi
Advising professor:
Doctor reza elahimanesh
Mohammad ansari asl
September 2112
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ﻧﮕﺎرش ﻣﻘﺎﻟﻪ ﭘﮋوهشی درباره :مبانی قر آنی کرامات اولیاء۹۱- فایل ۳۲